Monday 13 March 2023

rent to own homes near me

rent to own homes nearby Are you renting an apartment or house but want to eventually own a home? Rent to own homes are an excellent opportunity to invest in your future. When you rent to own, 25% of your rent will be saved towards your eventual downpayment. Plus, if you decide not to buy the home you choose, you'll keep the 25% minus a 1% relist fee. With rent to own homes, you can live in the neighborhood of your choice, enjoy the benefits of home ownership without the hassle of a traditional mortgage, and build up a downpayment. Plus, with rent to own homes you can customize the home to fit your needs. If you want to add a deck, paint the walls, or remodel the kitchen you can do soĆ¢€”and it will be reflected in the downpayment amount. Rent to own homes are an excellent way to start building your home ownership dreams. Don't wait any longer, start renting to own today and take the first step towards your future. Equal Housing Opportunity Credit 620+ or better Individual or Combined income $80,000+ or better must have downpayment of at least $6000+ or more You Deserve this opportunity !

from Start Home Sales
via first published via Fresh Start Home Sales

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